Monday, August 18, 2014

Grant Writing 101: Tips!

Here are a few last tips to ensure your project is considered for funding!
1.  The most important tip is to read the application carefully.  If the foundation requires the proposal to be typed in 12 point, New Roman font on recycled paper, paper-clipped, not stapled, do it!  The agency will eliminate any proposal which does not follow directions.
2. Highlight all of the instructions and follow them explicitly.
3. Take advantage of any webinars the foundation offers.  This is an opportunity to ask questions and get clarifications.
4. Be positive in your proposal.  Use dynamic descriptions.   Buy a thesaurus and use it!
5. Once you obtain the funding, court the press.  Write a press release and email it to local newspapers, TV stations, and radios.
6. Document!  Get in the habit of taking photos.  Photo everything!
7. Once you win a grant and complete the terms of the proposal, write a summary of the project and thank the foundation.  Include photos from the program and any publicity obtained.  Include hand-written thank you notes from the children.

Good luck!  Grant writing is more science than art!

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