Monday, August 18, 2014

Grant Writing 101: Step Four, the Budget

Now that you have a catchy title, a succinct abstract, a clear vision, and a detailed proposal, it is time to consider the budget and materials.  Use a spreadsheet to tally the materials.  Try to include all of the materials, batteries for the digital camera, sponge brushes for the tempera paint, copies for the flyers, etc.  Below is an example of a list of materials and a budget for Apple-ka-dab-ara.

Budget: Apple-ka-dabra
Dixie cups 200 5.96
Craft Sticks 1000 8.75
Scissors 1
Rulers 1
Plaster of Paris (crafts) 8 lbs 5.47
Tempera Paints 16 oz 2.88
Pipe Cleaners 1 4.99
Borax Detergent  76 oz 10.1
Shaving Cream 10 oz 1.28
Paper plates 300 5.54
Stryrofoam bowls 50 3.94
Plastic spoons 100 5.36
Crayons 120 6.97
Ziplock baggies 200 5.96
Sharpees 12 5.88
Food coloring (Gel in Baking) 4 5.69
Index cards 1000 10.42
Soil Moist crystals (Gardening--seasonal product) (0.2 lbs) 8.99

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